00 12/08/2011 11:24
World of Tanks v.6.6 Patch Notes

- Added new map Siegfried Line;
- Added new German tanks: Pz.VI Tiger (P), VK 4502 (P) Ausf A, E-50, Е-75, Е-100;
- Added new German premium tanks T-15, T-25;
- Panther II substituted by E-50 as tier 9 German medium tank, Panther substituted by Panther II as tier 8 German medium tank;
- Rebalanced Panther and Panther II tanks to fit tier 7 and 8 respectively;
- Maus tank: rate of fire for 12.8 cm gun decreased by 0.2 sec, hit points decreased by 400;
- IS-7 tank: hit points decreased by 50;
- T30 tank: hit points decreased by 50, dispersion during movement and traverse increased by 10%, dispersion during turret traverse increased by 30%;
- Tiger II tank: hit points for stock turret increased by 100;
- Increased credit income for US tank destroyers M10 and M36;
- Increased match-making value for US tank destroyer T95;
- Fixed map bugs on Lakeville, Artic Region, Abbey, Mines, Malinovka;
- Free platoons for 2 players;
- Added extra battle tier (tier 1 tanks only) for newcomers - players with up to 10 battles played;
- Added platoon invite filter - "accept from friends only";
- Fixed bug with experience transfer flags resetting after battle;
- Fixed few errors with display of water waves;
- Fixed bug when vehicle gets stuck due to critical inclination angle;
- Fixed bug when destroyed tanks are displayed as non-destroyed tanks (rare);
- Reworked models of 76mm guns for M26 Pershing;
- Fixed errors with disproportional tank icons;
- Fixed error when unused consumables with passive bonus are displayed as used;
- Fixed error with incorrect display of crater created when object is destroyed;
- Adjusted gun depression for T92;
- Removed "transfer gold" option from player context menu;
- Team damage when ramming now counts only if the speed of the vehicle involed exceeds 10 km/h.

The development team celebrates the 1st anniversary of World of Tanks and wishes all the best things to its players, presenting breathtaking gifts

12 August 2011, 09:14

Dear players!

August 12 is the most significant day for World of Tanks game project, as this day marks one year since the official release of the Russian version of World of Tanks. And now we are glad to announce that the development team has prepared terrific presents for all its tankers! We thank and honour all those who are with us for over a year since Alpha and Beta Tests, those who have been involved in tank battles for a few months, and those who have just rolled their first tank out of the shed.

That is you who made us grow older, and now we are glad to give prizes away!

Surprise #1. As you know, each player will receive one day premium account by activating the special promo code at any convenient day between 5:30 UTC August 12th and 5:00 UTC August 22nd.

Testo nascosto - clicca qui

Surprise #2. Starting from 5:30 UTC on August 12th and till 5:00 UTC, August 15th, all World of Tanks players will enjoy the following tempting bonuses:

50% discount on slots. Fill the shed with new steel monsters!
50% discount on additional equipment. Stock up to struggle nobly!
The exprerience for the first win of the day increases by 5 (!) times. Do not miss the epic chance to earn five times more!

Surprise #3. And starting from 5:30 UTC on August 12th and till 5:00 UTC, September 12th, all our tankers will taste the following bonuses:

60% discount on all consumables purchasable for gold: Fire Extinguishers, First Aid Kits, Chocolate, Cases of Cola, Repair Kits, and etc... Pump your tanks up!
Save up to 58% on all premium shells!

Surprise #4. All players registered on the game server before 23:59 UTC on August 12th, 2010, will get a premium account for a week as a bonus.

N.B. You can find your registration date in your forum profile. The registration time is displayed according to your local time zone.

Happy Holidays, World of Tanks! Happy Birthday!
[Modificato da Xostantinou 12/08/2011 11:26]

Κωνσταντίνος ΙΑ’ Δραγάσης Παλαιολόγος,
Xρoνoκράτoρ και Koσμoκράτoρ
Ελέω Θεού Βασιλευς και Αυτοκράτορ των Ρωμαίων.

"Ci sono quattro grandi cause per cui vale la pena di morire: la Fede, la Patria, la Famiglia ed il Basileus. Ora voi dovete essere pronti a sacrificare la propria vita per queste cose, come d'altronde anch'io sono pronto al sacrifico della mia stessa vita.
So che l'ora è giunta, che il nemico della nostra fede ci minaccia con ogni mezzo...Affido a voi, al vostro valore, questa splendida e celebre città, patria nostra, regina d'ogni altra.
Miei signori, miei fratelli, miei figli, l'ultimo onore dei Cristiani è nelle nostre mani."

"Ed allora questo principe, degno dell'immortalità, si tolse le insegne imperiali e le gettò via e, come se fosse un semplice privato, con la spada in pugno si gettò nella mischia. Mentre combatteva valorosamente per non morire invendicato, fu infine ucciso e confuse il proprio corpo regale con le rovine della città e la caduta del suo regno.
Il mio signore e imperatore, di felice memoria, il signore Costantino, cadde ucciso, mentre io mi trovavo in quel momento non vicino a lui, ma in altra parte della città, per ordine suo, per compiervi un'ispezione: ahimè ahimè!."

"La sede dell'Impero Romano è Costantinopoli e colui che è e rimane Imperatore dei Romani è anche l'Imperatore di tutta la Terra."

"Re, io mi desterò dal mio sonno marmoreo,
E dal mio sepolcro mistico io ritornerò
Per spalancare la murata porta d'Oro;
E, vittorioso sopra i Califfi e gli Zar,
Dopo averli ricacciati oltre l'Albero della Mela Rossa,
Cercherò riposo sui miei antichi confini."

"Un Costantino la fondò, un Costantino la perse ed un Costantino la riprenderà”