00 10/05/2010 17:01
Click on "Pannello" at the top right corner

Click on "Profilo" (Profile)

Now enter your password and click on "Verifica" (Check) to continue

Now look for this string:

and press "Modifica" (Modify)

You will see this screen:

You can choose your avatar by:

-selecting an image from your pc by clicking on "Sfoglia" (Browse) in the string "Avatar personale"

-selecting an image from internet by entering the URL in the string "Avatar web"

In the string "Avatar corrente" you can see your current avatar

If you don't want an avatar, click on "Nessun Avatar" (No Avatar)

When you have chosen your avatar, click on the string "Usa l'Avatar scelto in questa pagina come Avatar" (Use the avatar chosen in this page as your avatar) and then press "Salva" (Save)

How to modify your signature

1)Follow the first, the second and the third point of the previous guide

2)Look for this string:

In the white box, you can write what you want (obviously respecting the forum rules) and also insert image: you have to copy the URL of the image you have chosen in this way:

[IMG] URL of the image [/IMG]
[Modificato da Xostantinou 11/05/2010 10:05]